马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 五
The loud knocking annoyed Malone for at least fifteen minutes before it woke him. He had a vague, dreamy notion that a violent bombardment was going on in the hall, but he wasn’t interested in it. He only wished that whoever was shooting off seventy-fives outside his door would go away and let him sleep.
At last he woke enough to open one eye and shout, “Go to hell.”
A voice outside the door said, “It’s Jake Justus.”
“很高兴认识你,贾斯特先生。” 马龙喊道,然后又睡着了。十五秒钟后,“杰克?贾斯特” 这个名字透过他大脑中层层的睡意渗透进来,他立刻完全清醒了。他从床上一跃而起,打开门,又一头钻回了被窝。
“I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Justus,” Malone called, and went back to sleep again. Fifteen seconds later the name Jake Justus seeped through the layers of sleep in his brain, and he was instantly wide-awake. He bounded out of bed, unlocked the door, and dived back under the covers again.
“好吧,进来把门关上。” 他抱怨地说。他把头从被窝里探出来,露出一只粉红色眼圈的眼睛、几英寸红润的额头和一绺黑发,看着他的访客。
“Well, e in and shut the door,” he said plainingly. He poked his head out from the covers until one pink-rimmed eye, a few inches of ruddy forehead, and a tuft of black hair showed, and regarded his visitor.
Malone saw a tall, very thin young man, only slightly stoop-shouldered, and dressed in a badly mussed tweed suit. He had an unruly thatch of bright red hair, and a lean, bony face, pleasantly freckled by the Bermuda sun, that was usually amiable and grinning. It was not amiable now. It was a disturbing bination of grim and haggard.
Jake Justus looked around the room, thrust his hands deep in his pockets, and scowled at Malone.
马龙睁开另一只眼睛。“你怎么来这儿的?” 他有点傻乎乎地说。他对着自己的房间眨了一两次眼,然后说:“说到这个,我到底是怎么到这儿来的?”
Malone opened the other eye. “How did you get here?” he said a little stupidly. He blinked once or twice at his room, and said, “For that matter, how the hell did I get here?”
“我坐飞机来的。” 杰克?贾斯特说。他又生气地补充道:“我不知道你是怎么到这儿的,但从你的样子来看,我敢打赌你也是飞过来的 —— 直接从窗户飞进来的。”
“I flew,” Jake Justus said. He added crossly, “I don’t know how you got here, but judging by the way you look, I’d be willing to bet you flew, too—right through the window.”
“飞?哦,对。我知道了。我给你汇了路费。” 律师在床上坐起来,露出一大片棕色的、多毛的胸膛。“真好啊,在我身无分文的时候给我发电报要钱。”
“Flew? Oh yes. I know. I wired you the fare.” The lawyer sat up in bed, exposing a broad expanse of brown, hairy chest. “A fine thing, wiring me for money when I was dead broke.”
“身无分文。” 杰克重复道。“你在开玩笑吧?”
“Broke,” Jake repeated. “Are you kidding me?”
“I am not kidding you. I borrowed three hundred bucks from Max Hook and I’ve got to pay it back today, God knows how.”
The red-haired man stared at him in wide-eyed incredulity. “Have you lost your mind?”
“我一直在说钱的事。” 马龙愤慨地说。“但我的理智还在。”
“I’ve been talking about money,” Malone said indignantly. “But the mind checked in here with me.”
“那这些东西怎么会在这儿?” 杰克从梳妆台上拿起两张皱巴巴的百元钞票,把它们抚平,在律师鼻子底下晃了晃。
“Then what the hell are these doing here?” Jake picked two badly crumpled hundred-dollar bills off the dresser, smoothed them out, and waved them under the lawyer’s nose.
Malone looked at them for a good sixty seconds, then sank back on the pillow and pulled the covers up to his chin.
“I feel terrible.”
“你看起来糟透了。” 杰克毫不留情地说。他在废纸篓旁边的地上找到一个几乎装满的一品脱杜松子酒瓶子,往杯子里倒了差不多两英寸深的酒,递给备受打击的律师。“振作起来。” 他若有所思地看着瓶子,最后把瓶子举到嘴边,数了十个数才盖上盖子。
“You look terrible,” Jake said unsympathetically. He located a pint bottle of gin, nearly full, on the floor beside the wastebasket, poured a good two inches of it into a glass, and handed it to the stricken lawyer. “Pull yourself together.” He looked thoughtfully at the bottle and finally held it to his lips for a good long count of ten before recapping it.
Malone set the glass down where he mistakenly believed the bed table to be, shuddered, and lay still for a few minutes. At last he rose slowly and swung his legs off the bed.
“Now why on earth do you suppose I went to bed with my socks on?”
He put on a brilliant green brocaded bathrobe, reached for a cigar, and lighted it on the second try. “I can’t figure where those two C’s came from. Maybe I’d better look around.”
“也许你该找找。” 杰克?贾斯特表示同意。他坐在皱巴巴的床边,看着小个子律师在房间里四处搜寻。
“Maybe you had,” Jake Justus agreed. He sat down on the edge of the rumpled bed and watched as the little lawyer prowled around the room.
“我昨晚玩了会儿扑克。” 马龙若有所思地说,“我隐约记得还去了赌场的轮盘赌室。还有别的事,但有点记不清了。” 他在床头柜旁停下来,低头看着它。那里有他的手表、两个空火柴盒、一张五十美元钞票和一张十美元钞票。他把这些放在那两张一百美元钞票旁边。
“I played some poker last night,” Malone said meditatively, “and I dimly remember going to the roulette room at the Casino. There is something else, too, but it seems to be a little confused.” He paused by the bed table, looking down at it. There was his watch, two empty match folders, a fifty-dollar bill and a ten. These he laid beside the two hundred-dollar bills.