
《1999 地球保卫战记忆消除与保密协议》

This Agreement is entered into by and between the United Nations and all individuals who have participated in the Earth Defense War of 1999. (本协议由联合国与所有参与 1999 年地球保卫战的个人签订。)

WHEREAS, the Earth Defense War of 1999 has caused great trauma and potential long-term negative impacts on the global population; and (鉴于 1999 年地球保卫战对全球人口造成了巨大创伤和潜在的长期负面影响;并且)

WHEREAS, in order to protect the psychological and social stability of humanity and ensure a smooth transition into the new century, it is necessary to implement a memory erasure program and strict confidentiality measures. (鉴于为了保护人类的心理和社会稳定,并确保顺利进入新世纪,有必要实施记忆消除计划和严格的保密措施。)

THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: (因此,双方达成如下协议:)

1. All non-batant individuals shall have their memories related to the Earth Defense War of 1999 selectively erased through a safe and reliable memory erasure technology. (1. 所有非战斗人员应通过安全可靠的记忆消除技术,有选择地消除其与 1999 年地球保卫战相关的记忆。)

2. Combatants who have participated in the war shall retain their memories but are required to sign this confidentiality agreement and swear to never disclose any information about the war to the public or unauthorized individuals. (2. 参与战争的战斗人员应保留其记忆,但需签署本保密协议,并宣誓绝不向公众或未经授权的个人披露任何有关战争的信息。)


3. Any violation of this agreement shall be regarded as a serious breach of international law and shall be subject to severe legal sanctions. (3. 任何违反本协议的行为均应被视为严重违反国际法,并应受到严厉的法律制裁。)

4. The United Nations shall establish a special monitoring and enforcement mechanism to ensure the implementation and pliance of this agreement. (4. 联合国应建立一个特殊的监测和执行机制,以确保本协议的实施和遵守。)
